Time for my second post after the resurrection of my blog on the 16th of September 2017. This new post would be the announcement of a challenge which I have set for myself, which is to write a 100-word short story a week. This all started during the Access English Teachers' course which I mentioned in my previous post, where we were told to write a 100-word essay. I found this activity quite interesting and I told myself that this would be a great way to challenge myself to think and write. Perhaps, it may also help those who stumble upon my writings and be inspired to write some 100-word essays for themselves. Oh well, just for fun, why not? Let's hope that I can keep up to the challenge, be disciplined and write around 20 stories for now.... If I succeed, I might even extend my challenge.... Oh ya, by the way, do please leave some comments in the box below... I will leave my essays untitled, so do please leave suggestions on what title you think they should be.... Enjoy....!
Here is the first piece...
Once gone, never to return. Joyce, Arifah, Shah, were never seen or to be heard again. Legend has it, Gregor, once sentenced to death by lethal injection, is still alive, lurking in the neighbourhood, in search of helpless maidens. Some said that he died and was buried but his remains were never to be found. Some also rumoured that he walks in the shadows, slithering like a snake in the dark of night, entrapping the hearts of his victims. Some even witnessed shadows chowing down what appeared to resemble the limbs of humans. Is he really alive? No one knows.
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A blog as I explore what it means to have lived, to make me a richer person, and to open my eyes to the various wonders of the world, and to be culturally understanding towards others..
Sunday, 24 September 2017
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At a far corner of my mansion garden, there my beloved was, strolling, enjoying the soft cool breeze that blew the vines of the old wil...
Tiny sparkly fragile snowflakes began to fall in what seemed to be the first ever white Christmas in 25 years. Could this be a new dawn or a...
Just as promised, after a 3-year hiatus, I am finally back slowly into the blog sphere after being inspired during one of the camps that I a...
Time for my second post after the resurrection of my blog on the 16th of September 2017. This new post would be the announcement of a challe...
Last night's account: I was just scrolling through social media and I stumbled upon a post which my ex-student put up. It read: Hate th...
When I was down,you were there to pick me up, When I was down, you were there to stand by me, When I was down, you were there to liste...
Life has been hectic for the past two to three weeks and work is just piling up as we head towards wrapping up 2017. Hence, I did not have m...
This is another account on the social media. My ex-students posted something on her wall. It read: My English teacher said, when I feel ...
I came across a quote today from Patch Adams. It says: You're focusing on the problem. If you are focusing on the problem, you can...
Blog Archive
Just trying to navigate through life as it comes
A am still in the process of learning about life... Constantly gaining knowledge which enriches my soul.. As my experience becomes richer, I seek to use them to enrich the lives of others and to the glory of God. I believe that no matter what the difficulties are, as have a firm believe in ourselves and in God, nothing is impossible. Impossible is not a word but a concept to stifle our creativity and journey beyond our imagination.
"The price of immortality" or "Daring game"
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